Welcome to how to draw a football!
Hello and welcome!
In this how-to-draw, we’ll be learning how to draw a football using shapes, forms, and lines.
American football uses a very differently shaped ball compared with other sports. It is more oblong and looks a bit like a short drum with cones attached to each end.
Its odd shape can make football drawing a little awkward, but I’ve come up with a couple of useful tricks to keep our football drawings from looking wobbly. I’ll go over the basic shapes and forms of footballs and show you the basic construction steps.
I’ll show you how to draw a football step-by-step, how to create a football drawing in perspective and talk about some of the ball surface details.
As always, let’s start by learning a little about what we’re drawing. The better we understand what we’re drawing, the better our football drawings will be.
Let’s learn about footballs!
American football is hugely popular in the United States and Canada. Cheering for your favorite team and tossing around a football with the kids is a lot of fun. And who doesn’t enjoy those creative Superbowl ads?
Where it’s most popular, a football is also known as a “pigskin” and used to play gridiron football. There are 32 teams in the American National Football League (NFL), with each team using 11-player teams. In the Canadian Football League (CFL), teams feature 12 players.
For the professional collegiate leagues, footballs are most often made of brown tanned cowhide leather and stamped with a pebble-grain texture for easier gripping. Balls for average recreation or youth leagues may also be made of composite rubber, plastic, or rubber.
Construction of each football requires four panels of leather or plastic, and two of the panels are laced together. Each ball weighs about 14 to 15 ounces.
If you’d like to see how footballs are made, check out this helpful Youtube video:
Drawing a football is almost as easy as watching it, so let’s explore its shapes and forms. This will help us learn how to get a football shape so we can draw an easy football (and learn how to draw a football for kids, too!)
Exploration and study: Football drawing focused on shape and form
When I’m learning how to draw something, I begin by looking for references. It’s always helpful to create your own reference board to help with creating your exploration and study sketches.
If you need some help learning how to create your own reference board, I made a video guide to show you how.
A good reference board is really important because it helps us learn how to understand and draw our subject. The ref board I created for this how to draw a football tutorial is below.
Feel free to use it for your sketches!

If you’d like some extra help with wrapping your mind around the fundamentals before “tackling” a football drawing, check out my article Top 5 Art Fundamentals for Beginners.
Once I have all my refs, I begin my study sketches.
During this phase, I use pencil, pen, and colored pencil on a sheet of paper to break down the major shapes and forms of a football. I observe the location of the curve lines, stripes, laces, and stitching along the middle and center of the ball.
I visually measure the length and size of the curved lines, middle circle shape, and all the other lines and elements to see which are the same length and where each lives on the ball’s surface. Each of these things serves as a marker that helps us with our football drawing.
This is my messy phase, and it’s a lot of fun! ?
I encourage you to let yourself make a big ‘ole mess on your page as you learn how to draw a football. Here are my first wobbly, messy sketches:

One of the first things I noticed as I began sketching for this how to draw a football tutorial was how awkward the transition from the middle of the ball to its tip is. Visually, it looks normal. But when I started to connect my shapes and forms to create that area, it felt odd and wobbly my first several tries.
At first, it seems like a simple circle is enough to define the center shape of the ball. I started that way before going on to connect the ends, but more often than not it made my football drawing come out funky, bumpy, and wobbly–which is totally fine at first! This is the phase for making a messed up messy mess as you learn how to draw a football. Don’t despair at your wobbles and bobbles–It’s all good! This is all a normal part of the learning process, I promise!
When I run into this kind of thing at any point, I take some time to re-evaluate my shapes and forms and look for ways to improve my form construction process.
How to draw a football: form construction
After a bit more sketching exploration, I came up with a solution I like better. I added a cylindrical drum shape to help firm up my construction, which helped keep my football shape from turning wobbly.

After several more sketches, I found that using more construction lines, shapes and forms helped a lot when it came to getting my football drawing to have that recognizable football shape.
Adding more structure to a drawing you’re having a challenging time can go a long way toward helping you understand and draw your subject better.
Shape breakouts and variations
Normally, at this stage of my how-to-draw tutorials, I like to give examples of the natural shape variations that occur in the subject, but…that’s not really a thing with footballs ?
Unless they are deflated, deformed, or damaged in some way, the overall shape of a football–and any sporting ball, really–remains the same. The variations we see with a football are found in the materials it’s made with and its surface designs with things like logos and coloring.
Other variations that might interest you as you learn how to draw a football can be found in how the ball has evolved over time and how it compares to other sports’ balls, such as a soccer ball (which the rest of the world calls a futbol).
There is some speculation that the ball of choice for America’s Game started out as an inflated pig bladder, but that is hard to verify–though I did a search and found some fun pictures from places like The Smithsonian Magazine and Scoutlife.org!
I don’t own these images, but I’ve credited their sources as best I can. For more information, and to see the source of each photo, just click on the images below.
How to draw a football step by step tutorial
Now that we’ve found our references and done some sketching, let’s jump into how to draw a football step-by-step!

How to draw an easy football, Step 1
First, draw a line guide on your page. This line represents the unseen middle of the ball from tip to tip. This kind of guiding or action line helps orient the rest of your curved lines, shapes, and forms.
Step 2
Next, draw another line perpendicular to your first guiding line. This second line helps you start to place the round center area of the ball.

Step 3
Now, connect each line point to create a diamond-shaped envelope. This establishes the basic area where your ball will “live” in your drawing.
Remember, these are construction lines. We won’t keep all of them, but they help us develop a solid drawing.
Step 4
Begin rounding off the overall football shape inside your envelope by drawing curved lines near each corner as shown.
Here, I started with rounding the center area of the ball.

Step 5
Next, I drew small circles on the ends of my first and longest guiding line. This helps with making the ball’s tips rounded instead of pointy, and gets us closer to a football shape.
Step 6
Use more curved lines to start defining the shape of your football drawing.

Step 7
Now, you have a football shape!
The line and shape guides helped keep it from going all wobbly ?.
Step 8
Add some stripes to help your drawing look more like a real football.
Be sure to use curve lines as you go around the surface. Making the stripe lines too straight will make your drawing feel flat.
These surface details help us identify our object. This is a good stage to add any other designs or personal touches you’d like for your drawing.

Step 9
Some finishing touches with a marker or pen help the football drawing stand out.
Final step
Erase your construction lines and, tada!
A completed football drawing!

So, how was it? Not too bad, huh? These steps came from my how to draw a football exploration and study phase. I came up with a couple more versions for this how to draw a football tutorial in case you could use some more structure help as I did.

Football drawing in Perspective
Knowing how to draw a football in perspective will be helpful if you’re drawing from a game you just saw played or from your imagination.
Here are some examples of how to draw a football in one and two-point perspectives.

The Details of footballs
Another part of learning how to draw a football is understanding how to construct the stitches and laces that make the ball so recognizable.
The next group of images will visually take you through the steps of how to draw a football’s lacing and stitching details.

Thank you & Farewell!
Hey, look! You made it to the end of this how to draw a football tutorial! There are a lot of choices out there, so even if you just took a few seconds to scroll through my article to find the bits you need, I appreciate you stopping by!
I’m always working to improve the quality of my content and to make sure I’m creating content that helps artists like you on their art journey. I’d love to hear from you! If you have any feedback, questions, or comments for me, please leave them in the comments section below! If there’s an art topic you’re looking for guidance on, please feel free to message me in the comments or email me at cecely@cecelyv.com.
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Stay safe and healthy, and Happy Drawing!
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